Bones, kidneys and hearts – three moving targets

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Current approaches to the treatment of hyperparathyroidism, hyperphosphataemia and osteoporosis in the patient with CKD

An awareness of

  • The relationship between chronic kidney disease (CKD), cardiovascular disease and compromised bone health
  • Current approaches to the treatment of hyperparathyroidism, hyperphosphataemia and osteoporosis in the patient with CKD

Webinar held on 12 September 2023

ATTENTIONKindly note that if you attended the live webinar, you have already received 1 CPD point and will not be permitted to receive additional points for the report. Should this occur, the HPCSA will only record 1 CPD point from the live webinar, invalidating any additional CPD points from the report. Please note deNovo Medica ensures uploading of your CPD points to the HPCSA: please don't upload these yourself.

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