Medical records – issues of negligence in daily practice

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Medical malpractice litigation is difficult for the practitioner to defend without proper note-keeping and record-keeping

Learning objectives 

  • An understanding of how to apply the four pillars of medical ethics when recording and storing patient records in clinical practice
  • An awareness of the practicalities of recording and keeping patient records and tips for avoiding incomplete record-keeping
  • An understanding of how to handle medical malpractice claims.

Webinar held on 24 August 2023

ATTENTIONKindly note that if you attended the live webinar, you have already received 1 CPD point and will not be permitted to receive additional points for the report. Should this occur, the HPCSA will only record 1 CPD point from the live webinar, invalidating any additional CPD points from the report. Please note deNovo Medica ensures uploading of your CPD points to the HPCSA: please don't upload these yourself.

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