Osteoporosis 101 – from basics to best practice
Understand and learn to assess fracture risk in osteoporotic women and men, the fundamentals of diagnosis and prevention of falls, and the foundations of a best practice management plan that can evolve as the risk changes
You will learn:
• To understand that osteoporosis remains severely underdiagnosed and under-treated
• It is important to focus on the fracture risk in osteopenia, as well as the more obvious fracture risk in osteoporosis
• To understand that bone mineral density (BMD) predicts hip fracture risk with the same degree of accuracy as hypertension predicts risk for stroke occurrence
• To act on the knowledge that fracture risk increases exponentially with declining BMD
• To be confident in the diagnosis of premenopausal osteoporosis and osteoporosis in men
• To be aware of the need to maintain healthy bones in all your patients
• To understand the intrinsic factors involved in the causation of falls
• To get to grips with a useful clinical treatment algorithm based on categorisation of patients at very high risk, high risk and at low risk.
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