Healthcare Professional Registration

  • Please provide your correct details, as this will reflect on your certificate.
  • Accreditation

  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please ensure this number is CORRECT! Include capital letters, both letters and numbers without any spaces.
    Failure to do so will result in rejection by the HPCSA.
  • Profession

  • Unfortunately, deNovo Medica is not accepting the following registrations at this time as our current content does not provide appropriate education modules: Medical Technology and laboratory (MT, GT, CT, LA, MLS, SGT, SLA) and Emergency Care Paramedics (BAA, ANA, OECO, ECA, ECT or ANT).

  • Contact details

  • This will be your username at login.
  • Location

  • Set your password

  • Choose a secure password, this can be reset in your profile once registered.