Frequently asked questions and answers

To register:

Click on REGISTER. Capture your details CORRECTLY - this is essential because the HPCSA/Council number you capture here will reflect on your CPD certificates that will be sent to the HPCSA.

NB: A confirmation email will be sent which you need to accept before you can log in. If you cannot find the confirmation email, check your spam folder.

To login:

If you are already registered, click on LOGIN. Use the same email address with which you registered and enter your password - note that these are case sensitive.

Select “All programmes” on the task bar, a wide range of modules are available.

Click on “LOGIN”, then click ‘Lost Your Password?’. An email will be sent to you with instructions on changing your password. Thereafter, log in with your new password.

Still struggling to log in? Try the following:

  • Ensure that there are no spaces after your email address
  • Ensure you are logged out on all other devices you might use
  • Restart device to establish new connection
  • Clear browser cache/history: Go to browser – settings – history – clear browsing data
  • Alternatively, try a different internet browser. If using Chrome, try Firefox/Opera/Safari.

This means you are already registered on our website – either you registered yourself, or you were registered by deNovo Medica after having submitted a CPD form.

DO NOT register again with another email address! Log in using your email address and reset your password, as instructed above.

If this does not work, contact us and we will reset your password.


If you receive weekly emails from deNovo Medica, then you have been registered on our website and you have a profile. You can contact us to check.

As per the new HPCSA regulations effective from 1 February 2022, we now submit your accrued weekly CPD points directly to the HPCSA. Please ensure that you update your profile with your correct HPCSA number, e.g. MP0123456, or else your CPD submission will be rejected.

DO NOT send your certificates to HPCSA yourself, as there is no need. The HPCSA will email you with confirmation of your CPD activity. The link to the HPCSA iregister is:

Due to the large volume of CPD points that are processed, it is within 14 working days that deNovo Medica reports CPD activity to the HPCSA.

Thereafter, you will receive a confirmation email that the HPCSA has uploaded your activity to your profile.


Currently, all healthcare professionals that are registered with the Pharmacy, Nursing and Allied Councils still need to submit their CPD certificates to their relevant Council.

deNovo Medica has been requested only by the HPCSA to submit CPD activity on behalf of the healthcare professional.

Certificates, in PDF format, are automatically emailed to the email address that you used when you registered.

If the certificate has not been received or has been misplaced, login and go to your profile: on the right-hand side click ‘Access my CPD’.

A red ‘PDF Download’ icon is attached to each module that you have successfully completed.

As per the HPCSA website:

“Every practitioner is required to accumulate 30 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) per twelve-month period and five of the units must be on ethics, human rights and medical law.”

The pass mark is 70% as per the HPCSA regulations.

Within minutes. Your score is automatically calculated and an email with attached certificate is automatically generated.

Certain antivirus/firewall programmes could send these communications to your spam folder.

Whitelist (add the email address to your contact list) to prevent communications being sent to your spam folder and, in this manner, you can ensure you receive the certificate.

You can submit one more time.

If you have failed a module after two attempts, download the printable Q&A and submit your answers to  

If you are registered with the HPCSA, deNovo Medica will directly submit your CPD activity on all modules that you have passed. Pharmacists and Nurses need to provide their respective Councils with the proof of learning CPD certificate.

This is dependent on your profession. Doctors need 5 Ethics CEUs per 12 months and 10 per 24 months.

It is required by HPCSA that you use several providers and means to obtain the 30 CEUs.

All modules are hosted on the deNovo Medica website for 12 months, of which the popular modules are hosted for a further 12 months.

Look at the date on the bottom right hand of the questionnaire – if the publication date is older than one year, check the deNovo Medica website to see if it is still available online. If it is no longer available online, the CPD points assigned to this module are no longer valid.

An email is automatically generated after the webinar, with a link to generate your CPD certificate from your deNovo Medica profile

deNovo Medica will process your questionnaire answers as soon as possible, within five to seven working days.

If you meet the 70% pass mark, required by the HPCSA, your CPD certificate will be emailed to the address with which you registered on the deNovo Medica website.